A long absence I know but it seems that my professional life is difficult to blog about. Given the nature of shoots, one has to be very careful of what one says. Frequently, you can't discuss things - less a competitor knick and idea, shoot a model and pip you at the post - so a blog can be a bit of a pitfall. Furthermore, you don't want to land your publication in the merde (and yourself with it). So it seems, I leave you for months on end and only blog from the safe haven of the shows. Or perhaps - I just don't have anything that interesting to say…. take it as you will.
Now I find myself back in Paris, to attend the holiest of holy, the Haute Couture, which will commence on Monday. With the tough economic times however, drastic measures have to be taken and I was dispatched to Paris early…. Something about Saturday night stays and cheaper tickets (false economy given that an extra night in a hotel is required - however due to concern to my personal wellbeing… I opted not to point this fact out). Everyone seems so techy at the moment. So I arrived a full day and a half early to enjoy the sights, sounds (and Sales) of Paris.
I miss Editor X, as she was a ray of sunshine, which made this circus far more tolerable. She will be back no doubt and not a moment too soon. Unfortunately my colleague, USC has to get back to the office so I have been generously gifted a healthy allocation to the menswear shows. Something that in all of my years, I have never darkened the doorstep of. So I guess you could say I am popping my Menswear cherry, and with Hermes no less. Well if a girl is going to do it…..
The show was clean, classic (with twists of Yellow and Red) and rather tasty. However, if you want a review … go and read Suzy, she would put it far more eloquently than I. Over all however, loved the casting especially. Surprising as I usually find male models of the post millennium all to fey for my tastes. Bring back the muscle bound beef cake men of the early 90's.
I also have a coveted invitation to Gareth Pugh's debut menswear collection tomorrow night but Hermes wins over Gareth for line honours. Just call me an old fashioned. It will be a scene tomorrow. Coupling the fence between closing the Menswear shows and the opening of Couture the following morning, it is guaranteed to be a scrum of silly proportions. Everyone vying for the honour of the coveted " well I was there when Gareth showed his first ….." Is a star to be born? Some would argue he is already. A showman he might be, but a strong designer with longevity in his label has yet to be decided. Perhaps come back in 10 years and with can discuss it further.
3 days ago
1 comment:
Oh always a delight when you get a mo to post. Good grief Hermes any day over bad boy Pugh or is that mad boy.
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