Well, another job falls through the fingers. I was up for presenting a television programme. Now I was excited about this potential project as it required a good deal of travel (something which I adore - especially on someone else's expense account) - however the Network decided they needed a name. Admittedly I am not a "name" nor do I ever have any intention of being one - so the job has gone to Jodie Kidd. Furthermore, I was then asked to co-present one of the shows but alas they are shooting next week - the same day I have a the Harpers Bazaar job - so I had to turn it down as I had a prior commitment.... I never like having to turn a job down and it would have been a great opportunity.
Apparently the Fashion gossip on the street is that Anne Marie Curtis (former Fashion Director of Wallpaper*) has landed the job as the Fashion director of ELLE. This - if you listen to gossip, is because they couldn't afford Kate Phelan of British Vogue. On the same front Ian R. Webb ( former Fashion director of ELLE ) is apparently working on his book... and I good one I suspect it will be too. I will let you know more when I do. It will be interesting to see what ELLE does as a new team with Anne Marie will be a leopard with a different set of spots than had Kate been at the Fashion helm. Perhaps she is holding out that there will be a coup at Vogue - lets face it Vogue has sorely gone down hill and I hear the ABC's are also slowly beginning to erode. Lets face it - have you seen Vogue's September issue? You have a picture of Kate Moss on the front - who is no where to be seen inside the magazine. And the post production job they have done on her is scandalous. I could go on but it speaks for itself.
3 days ago
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