Well as many I know are readers of the lovely Liberty London Girl it is with sadness that she leaves (not forever I hope) the blogging family. It is understandable as she has taken the medium by storm and run with it. Understandably she will be sorely missed by those who know her and by those that don't.
I wish I had her writing talents as well as her zest for life. Her new publication is bloomin' lucky to have her. RIP LLG - but knock them dead!
It seems that many of the fashion insiders are taking a break - Mrs. Fashion has also 'retired' this month. Perhaps the medium is getting old or actually it is far more likely that the industry is getting a little to close to the bone for us to have an annoy blog.
I have been lucky, dipping in and out over time. I have seen the Fashion Blogs develop and some have fully bloomed. I just want to take my hat off to the small league of fashion insiders who trundle on.
Good Luck LLG and Mrs. F in all that you do, but your blogs will be missed.
3 days ago
I'm feeling abandoned.
Ah well these things happen! Mrs F you could tell was getting way laid but LLG was sudden.
both we great so we all have a duty to fill the void!
I am also sad to see her go
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