Every year it starts earlier and earlier. Today the first in line at the coveted invitation only, Chanel Sample Sale were in line at 6am apparently. Usually there are not too many bags on offer so you have to be at the front if you want pick of the litter.
I luckily, am not the biggest Chanel bag fan (gasp, horror) but I do go for the clothes in a big way (long with the rest of us). I passed over the Relative PR sale last night (I am never going to be a true sample size and thought, "Do I really want any more shoes?") and my saved my bank account for the workout this morning.
The great and the good were all there in spades, from Editors down to fashion assistants (no interns). I came away with a great cocktail dress, a day dress to die for, a cute knit piece and a skirt. All items that are good additions to my already packed wardrobe. I have in the past suffered buyers frenzy at this sale, and come away with items that, to be honest even I wonder what I was thinking at the time.
Furthermore this sample sale, opposed to others has past sale merchandise so women other than the wafer thin, get a look in. I am pleased as punch with my purchases, but with that and the McQueen dress last month - I have over splurged. It is a fashion diet from here on in this season.
1 week ago
I've got a sugar-rush just from reading about this; time to go on a diet!
It sounds like you made a good—and useful haul.
Agh envy, greed, lust damn you for your double C's. Enjoy!
I'm hoping your are still luxating in your new found gorg Chanel numbers - I'm still envious.....
At present I am just admiring how they look in the wardrobe!
Nooooooo I'm going to spontaneously combust!
when do chanel have sample sales and more importantly WHERE!?
i am dying, please tell me details :)
I wish I could. It is a closed sale and we all wait hoping to get the silver edged invite envelope!
omg, do you know how i could get invited? xx
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