Time is tight at the moment. I have spent the past few days working on a national campaign and their shop images. Although we are sweltering in the heat it has been fun. (I just love dry heat but give me the humidity and I am miserable) Now it is getting a bit much so bring on those thunderstorms!.
The job so far has been a giggle! The team and the client are a delight to work with. I know I shouldn't be surprised but with these things everything goes well, or it becomes your worst living nightmare.
I have been put forward for the big one again! Lets see if they give me a shot this time. They have been asking for my show reel now. My portfolio has made the first cut so I am still in the running. The last stylist to do it was pulling a decent living off it alone and did so for almost 2 years! Goodbye debts (keep your fingers crossed for me).
Life has been crazy of late. Just put my parents back on a plane home (more about that later) and then opened my doors to my 4-legged friends. The gremlins, aka the terrorists, aka Itchy and Scratchy are owned by my friend the Photographer and his boyfriend. The boys were off to a week by the lake and I took the Jack Russells. I always have fun when I have them to stay. They don't always listen (but do you know a dog that does?) but it makes my flat seem more of a home. I am a dog person, and with my life, it would be cruel to have my own; so I do enjoy having them about the place. There is nothing more amusing than strapping on my rollerblades putting the dogs on their leads and heading out for walkies. It is rather like having a dog team pulling you along. They love it, I end up exercising my fat arse and there are smiles all round. It was pity when they went home this evening.
Karma is a funny animal. It is strange how things seem to pop up. As I mentioned I put my parents back on a flight home 10 days ago. They were not home more than 48 hours - before they randomly bumped into Rockbottom at dinner in the city. In a city of 6.7 million people I tell you! Lady Chance is laughing at me - in fact, I suspect she is having a right ol giggle. Now my mother would never admit to meddling. Heaven forbid! However, having bumped into him - I was dispatched an email to say that he was out with a woman who was married, that he used to work with. Furthermore, her husband and Rockbottom are doing some business together. I have heard him talk about the couple but have never met them. What I can't believe is, how fast my mother can extract information! I was then told how lovely it was to 'bump' into him and that he is on great form.
What actually galls me is, that I really dont want to know. I am doing my best to divorce him out of my head (with varying degrees of success) so the fact that he just won't go away pisses me off no end. I also know my mother; having stayed with me for the past three weeks, will have been delighted in volunteering all sorts of info (as only Mothers tend to do) Personally, I would rather he was information lockdown. At least she didn't know anything about Benefits Boy who breezed into town.
3 days ago